Difference Between Nabi (Prophet) And Rasool (Messenger)


Difference Between Nabi (Prophet) And Rasool (Messenger). Many people thinks that Nabi and Rasool both are same. There is no difference between Nabi (Prophet) and Rasool (Messenger). Are these things true or not, we are going to explore this today.

Difference Between Nabi (Prophet) And Rasool (Messenger)


Hello friends, welcome to IslamicPlanett and this is A~K. Today we are going to explore a very interesting topic of Islam which is "What is the difference between Nabi ( Prophet) and Rasool (Messenger)". Many people thinks that both Nabi and Rasool are same but, this is not true. Both Nabi and Rasool are not same. Every Rasool (Messenger) is Nabi (Prophet) but every Nabi (Prophet) is not Rasool (Messenger). We are going to get the difference between both one by one.

Nabi (Prophet)

Nabi (Prophet) is the person who get Prophecy and invites people to come in Islam. He guides the people to the right faith. In addition to this, he do not gets any special book or guidance. The first prophet who came in this world was Hazart Adam (AS). About 124K (1 lac 24 thousand) prophet came to this world. From which Prophet Mohammed (PHUB) was last and final Prophet and Messenger of Allah. Each and every Messenger were Prophet but not each and every Prophet were Messenger.

Rasool (Messenger)

Rasool (Messenger) is the prophet who comes with a book for inviting people to the right faith. They comes with a new law (Sharyah) to replace the old one. This way Rasool comes with a new message from Allah. About 124000 Prophets came to this world. Out of which, only 313 were Rasool (Messenger). Hazrat Nooh AS was the first messenger and our prophet, Prophet Mohammed PHUB was the last and final messenger of Allah. Each and every Messenger is Prophet but not every Prophet were Messenger.

Difference Between Nabi (Prophet) And Rasool (Messenger). Friends, if you have any type of questions related to this post you must ask me in comment section or on email which is mentioned on contact us page. Do not forget to share this post with your friends and family. Our site IslamicPlanett has been made for those people who have questions and misconceptions related to Islamic culture but they don't get exact answer. Keep visiting on IslamicPlanett to get clear answers of your questions.

Difference Between Nabi (Prophet) And Rasool (Messenger) Difference Between Nabi (Prophet) And Rasool (Messenger) Reviewed by Al Basti on June 06, 2021 Rating: 5

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