Is Beer Haram
Is Beer Haram. Drinking beer is haram or not. Can we drink alcoholic beer in less quantity. Can we try beer only for first time. Many people have questions like this. Today we are going to clear the misconceptions of people about drinking beer or alcoholic product is Haram or Halal in Islam.
Is Beer Haram
Hello friends, welcome to Islamicplanett this is AK and we are going to explore a very important question which is 'Is Beer Haram'. I will try to make you understand in very simple and brief way that being Muslim can we drink beer or not. So without wasting time let's start.
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In simple and direct way the beer is haram in Islam. The main reason for the prohibition of beer is it's addictiveness and intoxication. Islam prohibit everything which have intoxication property. Many can say that beer do not causes intoxication, but this is not really true. If you are not using any intoxicating product, it will definitely cause you intoxication. The reason for it's intoxicating property is there is a small quantity of alcohol in it. The other reason for its Haram is 'it is addictive'. Anything which makes you addicted to them is restricted in Islam. So there should be no any confusion that beer is haram (prohibited) or halaal (permitted). It is clear that beer is Haram in Islam.
Is Beer Haram. Friends this was a small and simple answer of Is Beer Haram in Islam. Hope you enjoyed and gained something from this. Share this with all your friends. Sharing knowledge is sadaqah. Keep visiting on Islamicplanett this is a small platform that provide you brief and clear answer of all your misconceptions or questions in Islam.
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